
Dress code

Dress code (Summer/Winter)

                                                                                             DIEPPE MILITARY VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION – 2023 SUMMER DRESS

The Dieppe Military Veterans’ Association summer dress will be as follows:     

Period of Summer Dress:                                       1 June to 31 August or may be extended or shortened by the President if weather warrants.

Shirt:                                                                           Short sleeve white – 2 pockets military style w/ shoulder epaulets, open neck w/o tie tie.                                                                 

Shoulder Slip- On:                                                    Slip on supplied by Association with “CANADA” on each side.

Pocket Badge:                                                           The Dieppe Military Veterans’ Association badge designed for wearing on the left pocket

Ribbons:                                                                     Ribbons shall be worn as follows: over the left pocket of shirt. 4 ribbons or less 1 row; more than 4 – made up 3 in a row

Name Tags:                                                                Name Tags will be worn over the right pocket and will be supplier by the Association at no cost/ They will be gilt with black                                                                                           letters.

Wings:                                                                         All wings of the Canadian Armed Forces shall be worn in accordance with the Canadian Forces Admin Orders                         

                                                                   Grey dress trousers

Shoes:                                                                        Black Oxfords if possible

Years of Service Badge:                                        Centred on right pocket between bottom of flap and bottom of pocket:

Year of the Veterans Badge:                                 Centred between Years of Service Badge and bottom of pocket:

Collar Dogs or Rank Badges:                                Shall not be worn.

Others:                                                                      Commendations will be worn below and centered on the medals:

Headdress worn:                                                     Beret of AF wedgy with DMVA or unit hat badge will be worn


                                                                           These dress regulations were agreed by the General Membership and ratified at a meeting.

                                                                             DIEPPE MILITARY VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION – 2023 WINTER DRESS

The Dieppe Military Veterans’ Association summer dress will be as follows:

Period of Winter Dress                                               1 Sept to 31 May or may be extended or shortened by the President if weather warrants.

Shirt:                                                                               White shirt with unit/regimental green tie military style

Blazer:                                                                            Blue blazer with city of Dieppe crest on right   blazer pocket and DMVA crest on left blazer pocket. Affiliation crest may be                                                                                               worn on the left blazer pocket.

Pocket Badge:                                                             The Dieppe Military Veterans’ Association   badge designed for wearing on the left pocket

Medals:                                                                        Medals shall be worn as follows: over the left pocket of the blazer:  4 Medals or less 1 row

                                                                                       more than 4 – made up 3 to a row

Name Tags:                                                                 Name Tags will be worn over the right pocket. Years of service/past president pins shall be centered below nametag.

Wings:                                                                           All wings of the Canadian Armed Forces shall be worn in accordance with Canadian Forces Admin Orders.

Trousers:                                                                      Grey dress trousers

Shoes:                                                                           Black Oxfords if possible

Years of Service badge:                                            Centred on right pocket between bottom of flap and bottom of pocket.

Year of the Veterans Badge:                                    Centred between Years of Service Badge and bottom of pocket

Collar Dogs or Rank badges                                     Shall not be worn.

Others:                                                                          Affiliation pins may be worn on lapels. Commendations will be worn below and centered on the medals. Trade badges may                                                                                            be worn centered and above the name tag.

Headdress:                                                                   Beret of AF wedgy with DMVA or unit hat badge will be worn.

                                                                                       These dress regulations were agreed by the General Membership and ratified at a meeting.                                           

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