3006 Dieppe Army Cadets
3066 Dieppe Army Cadets

June 28th, 1983 was the date when the idea of forming a cadet corps in Dieppe was suggested during a meeting of the Dieppe Veterans Association.
With the support of veterans and after recruitment procedures and affiliation with the 8th Canadian Hussars, the corps of cadets begins its training. On September 1, 1984, the Minister of National Defense recognized the formation of the corps and designated it 3006 Dieppe Army Cadet Corps. The corps received its flag in 1992.
The corps’ successes are numerous. The corps band was formed in 1994 with instruments purchased by veterans. In the past years, veterans provided $5,000 to replace instruments in poor condition. They are very proud of the body and its leadership. The officers are doing an excellent job and we congratulate them.
Find out more on their website: Cadets de l’armée 3006 Dieppe | Accueil (cadets3006dieppe.com),
or their Facebook page: Cadets 3006 Dieppe – Home | Facebook