Christmas dinner 2023
“Greetings DMVA members.
Close to 60 people (members and guests) participated in the DMVA Annual Christmas dinner with success, thanks to the organizers Jim, Keith, and Perry at the greeting table and Ghyslain for organizing the dinner and directing the kitchen staff.
After dinner, Robert took the floor to present our annual Art and Dora Cuthbertson’s Bursary to Nicholas Papillon to further his studies. He is the grandson of our long-time member Jacques Papillon and former association Sgt-at-Arms.
After the speeches, toasts, and kind words from our Chaplain, one of our invited guests, Mr. Yvon Lapierre, Mayor of the City of Dieppe, wished the group safe holidays and supported our continuing progress on our veterans’ involvement in the city and continuous Remembrance for our veterans’ memories, all of this on behalf of the City of Dieppe.
On behalf of the President and the Executive Directors, we want to wish all our members a great holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”